Monday, June 11

Self Respect

We hear a lot in spiritual circles / events about loving yourself and sending love to others especially those who are negative or offend/hurt us.  Most people find this difficult to understand let alone to do.  

So let's simplify it - whatever you wish to achieve be it spiritual or for yourself then the very first step you have to start with is yourself.  

It all stems from you, your belief, your confidence, your faith, your abilities, your loves, your opinions etc. 

If you can take yourself and apply the idea / principle of self respect, and put that into action - you will find it works and in working you can apply it further; to your life, your work / career, your friends etc.  The only thing that stops you or causes concerns / difficulties is FEAR.  Fear of the unknown, fear of failing, fear of what people will think or say and so on.  So again you return to you and your ideas, opinions, feelings, etc.

If you cannot love yourself 100%, be honest with yourself 100%, question yourself, trust yourself, be confident in yourself then you will have difficulties in moving these concepts to others.  You must love yourself 100% not 90% not 99% if you don't then you have to ask yourself why can't you love yourself 100% - what's stopping you?  I mostly love myself, but I don't deserve to be loved 100% do I?  Why don't you deserve to be loved 100% ?
There it is again FEAR.  
It's the biggest hurdle you have to overcome in most areas of your life.  

In beginning with yourself you can be honest, brave and unashamed of your emotions, feelings and loves.  You can apply pure honesty to yourself and how you see and understand yourself.  

We are not taught real Self Respect in school or even at home, it's something we pick up along the way, although some are born with it - an inner knowing that something is wrong, someone is lying to them or deceiving them.  We are taught to have manners, not answer back and the social graces although many of the youth today seem to be lacking these. 

Today the angels ask that you believe in yourself, have self respect for yourself.  Start with You, ask the angels to help you recognise the signs / signals that will empower you to connect with yourself.  

In connecting with your inner self you will find connecting to you higher self easier.

I'd love to hear about your progress - you can leave comments anonymously below.  

Cora x