Saturday, June 30

Don't Back Down ?

Today's message from the Angels is 'Don't back down'.   But what exactly does that mean ?

The angels don't imagine you'll be in an argument and to stand your ground no matter what.  Their advice is more gentle and encouraging.

  • Not backing down means not to give up on your goals, ambitions and dreams.  
  • Not to go the wrong road when you know it isn't right.  
  • Not allowing others to change your mind from what you inwardly know is correct.

The angels know that you have the ability and integrity to know the difference between right and wrong and they are encouraging us, not just today, to believe in ourselves and do what is right regardless of what others expect, think or want.  If you find you are persuaded from doing your own thing or making choices that benefit you then today the angels want you to ask them for help.  They will help give you the strength not to back down or give in to other's persuasion or bullying.

6 Simple Steps to Help You

  1. In a quiet place by yourself clear your mind and ask the angels to give you courage and strength today whenever you need it.  (The angels cannot assist without your permission.)
  2. When you find yourself in a challenging situation, in your mind ask the angels to help you, (Angels please help me now.)
  3. Before replying or making a decision take a deep breath and listen to your body.  What is it telling you?  Is there a tightening in your stomach?  Are  your ears buzzing ?  Is the situation making you feel ill ?  All these signs indicate that your body is telling you something is wrong - these are signs from your angels.
  4. Leave the situation if you don't feel well enough to deal with it at that moment.  Get some fresh air and know that you are not alone. 
  5. When you return to the situation you will be stronger in body, mind and spirit.  
  6. Don't forget to thank your angels. 

Wednesday, June 27

Word Power

Word power - the ability words have !

We live in a world where we are inundated with words; news programmes, internet, Twitter, Facebook, newspapers, magazines, books, ebooks, etc.

Have we forgotten the power words have ?
Not so long ago many would only have access to a weekly newspaper which would update them on world and current events or the little radio in the corner of the room brought the world into the home.
We have in some way forgotten the power of words.  In History the words of a great orator would whip a crowd up into a frenzy or impart a belief or ethos.  Words were a powerful tool to gain followers or convey beliefs.

Have you given any thought to the words you use?
Your words hold great power to hurt or heal.  Your choice of words is very important, each word when used with a particular tone can create an energy of its own.  Be careful of what you say and how you say it.

I would love to hear your comments on how words have helped your life.

Cora xx

27 June 2012 – Yemanya – Golden Opportunity

The angels ask that you have courage now, you have been working hard to achieve success and it is within your grasp now. We have been asked to work hard, don't give up and you will see the results soon. Well now is the time.

Take the opportunities as they arise, after all you have worked very hard for this. Divine timing is very different to time on earth and you must have great patience to unlock and benefit from it. 
Enjoy your golden opportunity today. 

Tuesday, June 26

26 June 2012 – Shield Yourself

Many people believe in shielding themselves from negative people and situations. 

I believe that if you constantly live in love and light, the angels know that nothing can impact upon you, harm you or distress you. Only humans can effect you with their hurtful words and deeds. 

Many shield themselves with visions of glowing orbs and energies and ask for protection from negative situations and people. When working  spiritually  I don't believe that we can be impacted upon in this manner.  If we are working from a centre of love and light then we are automatically shielded as we only see. hear and know good.  We are not effected by the negative. 

 People who say they take up other's energies need to work on this issue, and learn not to do this. The Angels will help you in shielding yourself and if you are in love and light then you will be protected always. You need to re-learn to look positively on situations and people and not judge. 

Monday, June 25

25 June 2012 – Release

Let it go. 

What are you dragging around with you? 
Sometimes we carry many thoughts, emotions, regrets and negativity from the past around with us, sometimes it's just from last week. 

Holding on to memories is wonderful, it helps us to remember good things about our past and even people who have now passed. Holding on to bad things/events in our past can be a good thing too in some ways as it can prove and remind us of how strong we are. 

It's the perception of the memory or event that makes it positive or negative. 
Getting rid of all bad things can work against you so even those times of struggle that you overcame, or times of hardship that have made you stronger are worth holding on to. 

Release all these to the angels and they will help you to hold the positive and remember them in the right way. Let go of what you don't need, it is of no help to you today.  

Sunday, June 24

24 June 2012 – You Are A Powerful Lightworker

In Spiritual circles there are a lot of 'names' given to people who work in the light; lightworker, healer, whisperer, intuitive, indigo, crystal, etc. The list is quite extensive. Many people are genuine and offer true gifts from the Angels and spirit realms. 

But don't let these words make you think the people have more gifts or talents than you. You are just as powerful or intuitive as they are. You many not have accessed your 
abilities yet, but believe me and the Angels you certainly have them. 

We are all on different paths in life, and as the Angel's message today says -  you are a powerful lightworker. Believe in yourself is the message today. Don't let others tell you they know or have secrets that you must pay highly for. Some people use terms in advertising their abilities which make you believe they have unlocked secrets that you will need to progress further or need to communicate with the Angels etc. Genuine people will help you to attune to your abilities and give you gentle guidance and help. 

Everyone expects to be paid for their time but your time is as valuable as theirs and everyone has to live. So the angels ask that you believe in yourself today. You are beautiful just the way you are.