Friday, March 1


My twisted architecture stands firm and strong
a haven for the flying throng,
lined with snow in winter deep
summer's green and autumn's heap.

A life I stand in this place,
high on a hill
the wind I embrace,
all the seasons come and go
and still I stand but also grow.

My branches stretch for the light,
my roots search deep for damp delight,
I see it all go by each day,
all busy walking far away.

My days i'll spend here on this hill
watching those who never still
but I remain in this place
watching this amusing race.

Wednesday, February 27

Connecting With Your Guardian Angel

Some of the most frequent questions I get asked are ways to connect, communicate and hear our Guardian Angels.

As I have been communicating with my Angels since I was a child I have had to actually sit and recollect the ways I started to to this.  I have compose a short list below of tips which you may find helpful and beneficial.  If one doesn't work for you, don't worry, try another. Best of luck and if you've found this post helpful please consider leaving a comment, i'm always delighted to read your comments and feedback.  

  1. Build a relationship with your Angels. Talk to your angels as you would to a sibling or friend.  Do this regularly/daily until it becomes natural. You don't have to speak out loud, just in your head is perfectly fine. 
  2. Visit places where it is easier to communicate with angels. If you find a particular place or time is most convenient then use this to aid communication with your angels, some people find sitting silently or even in a church helpful.
  3. Listening to soft Music can aid communication. This a great way to aid communication. Play the music, sit and let your mind clear so you can speak and talk with your angels. 
  4. Being outside and in Nature is ideal for communication. Being out in nature is one of the best ways to make a connection.  Walk or sit outside, focus on a tree, bird, river etc and just let yourself relax and begin to communicate.  
  5. When you get into bed at night and just before you go to sleep is an ideal time for communication.  As you're about to go to sleep, ask your angel to visit you in your dreams or if you prefer when your relaxed have a short conversation with you angels. 
  6. When you're travelling (obviously not driving!). Sit back, relax and let your brain go blank, try not to let background noises disrupt you.  This is a great and brief way of communicating with your angels. 
All the above way are idea for getting to know your angels.  Initially you want to build the relationship, and if you start out by asking lots of questions this will hinder your progress.  Instead, take it easy, stay relaxed and ask your angels to help you with this process.  A good question to ask is 'What do you want me to to know/notice/see today?' Best of luck, it won't take your angels long to communicate with you.  Be ready!  

Tuesday, February 26

Life's Mirror

Life is such a clever game
mirrored in the mists of time,
all we need to do is sort
the tumult from the rhyme.

Softly onward we must tread
along our path of light inclined,
until we stumble to the end
knarled and beaten fast and bled.

Then looking on with eyes anew
every stumble a lesson true,
now wrapped in our soul divine
added wisdom bliss sublime.