Tuesday, April 17

Two Way Love

Many of us are all to aware of someone who is in need of a hug, an attentive ear, or healing.

We readily offer ourselves to sit and listen or engage in assisting the person in need.  As a woman I am keenly aware that many will see this as a feminine 'quality', but it shouldn't be seen this way only.  We are all capable of helping someone in need, not just because we are female and have a maternal streak.  Men are very good at doing this but few willingly do it.  We should encourage the men in our lives, fathers, husbands, sons etc to take a minute and engage with the situation.

However, what if we continually give to others, our time, our efforts, our love, our compassion etc what is left for us.  We arrive at a  situation where we are the ones in need of it, going full circle.

So instead of always giving to others in what ever way, give to yourself; engage in Two Way Love.  Take a few minutes of quiet time; even if it means locking yourself in the bathroom.  Take some deep breaths and love yourself, see the positive in yourself and encourage it.  A short while every week will benefit you enormously and allow you to be there for others in a positive sense.

So go for that walk, book a manicure, visit the hairdresser, get a massage, have a long soak in the bath, whatever you need to do to unwind, so the Two Way Love flows strongly in both directions.

Monday, April 16

Reflection Garden

The Angels guide me to reflect from time to time.
I have done this for many years now and I was taught to do it as a child.  It allows me to let go of things, to re-evaluate them and to see them from not just another point of view but from what I like to call a 360 degree view.

Usually I go outside and sit quietly in nature, i've even sat out in the rain; under a large umbrella, the rhythmic pitter-patter of the falling rain is ideal for this purpose.

First, I take deep breaths and exhale slowly allowing my body to relax; my muscles slacken, my back straightens slightly and then I close my eyes. A few seconds later, i'm floating; floating somewhere and no where at the same time, and although I engage the same method when I meditate, I don't progress to a meditative state now.

I now shift my focus and think about my Reflection Garden.  It's a blissful small Zen garden filled with small lush green plants, large blossomed flowers of all kinds and sweet floral fragrances.  A tinkling water fountain fills the air and small statues are hidden amongst the greenery and shrubs.

Here is where i focus my thoughts I now think about any particular situations or occasions which need reflextion.  Here in this tranquil garden the angels show me and guide me, allowing me to see others' points of view or opinions and then gracefully show me the conclusions or outcomes.

This allows me to better understand and then I ask the Angels to remove any negativity created by harsh words or actions and replace them with love, light and healing.

Tomorrow's Step

My path in life has been varied, it's crossed many different terrains; arid stretches, lush green valleys, stoney mountain paths, dark forrest trails and high spectacular peaks.

Each terrain has had its own benefits and negativities.  Along the way my path has been crossed by all kinds of other paths, plants and animals.  I've spent a long time watching other paths meander along left and right of me, weaving in and out and sometimes out of sight.

Some paths have a lot of undergrowth on them, that entangles itself with everything around them holding on desperately to any niche while others float above in dark clouds creating massive dark thunderheads, that ache to touchdown and cause havoc and destruction.  Some clouds float on by effortlessly, transcended to the Earthly plane and unaware of everything.

Recently my angels have shown me a graphic image of my path, its beauty and alluring presence always striving forward towards the light and full of endless energy and positivity.  The view ahead is unclear as it depends on my free will where I will venture next.  But the one thing that amazed me was that my path was made of stepping stones, light large stones that floated along and each day I move forward to another one.

My stepping stones float above my path unlike many other people's who's paths are on the earth, they have to walk through the terrains that I hover over.  Then I realised that my stepping stones are more than mere stones, they're the Angel's representation of God and the Angels carrying, guiding and helping me each day of my life - and not once has there been a stepping stone missing!

I was reminded that taking some time to sit and observe around me is a good thing but I should never spend time in looking back; for that is the past and looking and watching it, won't change it.

Tomorrows one step ahead will take me further than spending an age looking back at the past.
So I move forward to today's stepping stone in the knowledge that I can never fall.

Sunday, April 15

It's Sunday Afternoon

It's Sunday afternoon.
Sitting by the open window,  sipping my usual cup of tea I relax into the silence that envelopes me.
The soothing background of life drifts through the open window.

It's a day for letting go,  a day to breath deeply,  relax and exhale all the pent up rubbish i've accumulated through the week.  The sunlight reflects through my beautiful hanging crystal and i'm enveloped in a flash of blue crisp light,  Archangel Michael is surrounding me in his loving light embrace.  A reassurance that all is fine,  that I am protected and loved and a confirmation that its a good time to let it go.

I love the energy of Archangel Michael and smile as I say,  'Thanks for that Michael, and just when I needed it most.  I can always depend on you to reassure me when I need it, God bless.'
The Archangels and Angels always make me smile even when i'm angry,  sad,  annoyed.  I love the energy they exude and the wave of love I receive as they tell me all will be okay,  don't worry or some other reassuring message.

The sun dips behind a cloud,  no rain yet thank god.
I cherish my times here by the open window communing with nature and all the angels.  Sitting back and watching life swirl by.  Its a unique opportunity that many others dream of,  and I through the Angel's blessings am living it,  loving it and excited by every moment I experience it.