Monday, April 16

Tomorrow's Step

My path in life has been varied, it's crossed many different terrains; arid stretches, lush green valleys, stoney mountain paths, dark forrest trails and high spectacular peaks.

Each terrain has had its own benefits and negativities.  Along the way my path has been crossed by all kinds of other paths, plants and animals.  I've spent a long time watching other paths meander along left and right of me, weaving in and out and sometimes out of sight.

Some paths have a lot of undergrowth on them, that entangles itself with everything around them holding on desperately to any niche while others float above in dark clouds creating massive dark thunderheads, that ache to touchdown and cause havoc and destruction.  Some clouds float on by effortlessly, transcended to the Earthly plane and unaware of everything.

Recently my angels have shown me a graphic image of my path, its beauty and alluring presence always striving forward towards the light and full of endless energy and positivity.  The view ahead is unclear as it depends on my free will where I will venture next.  But the one thing that amazed me was that my path was made of stepping stones, light large stones that floated along and each day I move forward to another one.

My stepping stones float above my path unlike many other people's who's paths are on the earth, they have to walk through the terrains that I hover over.  Then I realised that my stepping stones are more than mere stones, they're the Angel's representation of God and the Angels carrying, guiding and helping me each day of my life - and not once has there been a stepping stone missing!

I was reminded that taking some time to sit and observe around me is a good thing but I should never spend time in looking back; for that is the past and looking and watching it, won't change it.

Tomorrows one step ahead will take me further than spending an age looking back at the past.
So I move forward to today's stepping stone in the knowledge that I can never fall.

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