Sunday, June 24

24 June 2012 – You Are A Powerful Lightworker

In Spiritual circles there are a lot of 'names' given to people who work in the light; lightworker, healer, whisperer, intuitive, indigo, crystal, etc. The list is quite extensive. Many people are genuine and offer true gifts from the Angels and spirit realms. 

But don't let these words make you think the people have more gifts or talents than you. You are just as powerful or intuitive as they are. You many not have accessed your 
abilities yet, but believe me and the Angels you certainly have them. 

We are all on different paths in life, and as the Angel's message today says -  you are a powerful lightworker. Believe in yourself is the message today. Don't let others tell you they know or have secrets that you must pay highly for. Some people use terms in advertising their abilities which make you believe they have unlocked secrets that you will need to progress further or need to communicate with the Angels etc. Genuine people will help you to attune to your abilities and give you gentle guidance and help. 

Everyone expects to be paid for their time but your time is as valuable as theirs and everyone has to live. So the angels ask that you believe in yourself today. You are beautiful just the way you are.


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