Sunday, May 6

Tied by the Hands of Time

The alarm woke me - it was 4.00 am Sunday 5th May 2012.

Jumping out of bed I ran to the window excited to see the super moon in the night sky.  Due to a heavy blanket of cloud all day before and earlier that night I couldn't see it, just a warm glow through thin cloud from time to time.  
There it was sitting low in the sky, looking magnificent in its orange glow.  As expected it was indeed larger than a normal moon and its glow more radiant.  
More on Super Moon perigee here.

While I stood captivated by the moon, a thought crossed my mind, what is time?  I'd set an alarm to wake me at a certain time.  Returning to bed the thought continued to grow.  

What is time?
Where did the concept of time originate?
Why do we need it?
How do we use it?
What if time didn't exist?

What is time?
A good question because we cannot touch, smell, taste, look at, or physically interact with time.  
So time is a concept?  Did man watch nature and on seeing the patterns in its yearly turning extrapolate the concept of time from that, who was the first human to conceive time?
We may possibly never really know but clocks as we understand them came after many instruments were invented to calculate time, first the sundial was used in ancient times then water, wind and other ideas until we reach today's idea of a clock.  
More on history of time here.

How do we use time?
Many of us live our every day by the clock, we get up at the same time, start work at a particular time, drop the children for the school day at the same time each day, and on and on we go.  We have become dependant on time to measure out and organise out day. 

Time is a wonderful idea which has allowed us to organise ourselves, apportion our day in a wise way, allowed us to travel great distances including into space and helped us to understand the world we live in and mother nature and her cycles too.  

No time !
I cannot conceive a world without time, it would seem impossible, how long would a day be, or a night, what would a week consist of ?  However time is only used here on earth. In spirit or heaven or whatever name you wish to call it there isn't time, not in the linear way we understand it.  But I expect when I get there it will all seem normal and understandable just like time does here and now.  

So when I'm at home and I don't need to be anywhere or doing anything special, I remove my watch because by wearing a watch I tie myself into the cycle of time.  Instead when I remove it, I release myself from it and enjoy the here and now.  So maybe removing your watch and leaving your mobile in your handbag or another room, allows you to unwind yourself from the hands of time for one afternoon a week or for whatever length of time you choose.  :)

I'd love to hear your comments on time and how it supports your day.  Cora x 

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