Wednesday, June 20

Driver or Passenger ?

Are you engaging with your life or just a passenger ?

Many people say 'I wish I had money, health, friends,' etc 'then I would be happy'.  Other say 'If I complete this course or this training then I will know all there is to know about a particular subject.  If I can achieve this goal or overcome some difficulty then I will be in control of my life.' 

They go through each day of their lives wishing and wanting.  Not looking at their life in the present, 'now' and realising the wonders, gifts and joys they have already.  They strive forward in a searching way always looking for someone else to tell them how they should feel, react, engage, etc.  In his constant search they encounter many other's perspectives and opinions and yet none resonate with them.  

Today the Angel's message is to just take a moment, look at what you already have.  
Question what is driving you forward ?  Ask what is pushing you on, what are you searching for?  When you honestly answer these questions for yourself, you will realise you have become a passenger in your own life and it is passing you by.  

Engage with your life, it is yours, no one else's - you control all it is, and all it will be, you direct it forward.  Do so positively and in the right way for you.  You don't need to constantly seek and search because you will find the answers are within you.  

Have you found the answers you are searching for?  Let us know by leaving a comment below.  Blessings Cora xx

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