We all crave the light, we spend our lives searching for the light in one way or another.
Firstly we cannot have the light without having the dark - after all, a lit candle is of little use on the sunniest day, but in the dark of night it is most beneficial.
Secondly the darkness is not a bad thing to have, we all have to find our own unique balance of darkness and light.
Where does the darkness come from?
The darkness is every little negative thing you have thought, felt, experienced and lived through, but instead of facing it and acknowledge it for its lessons and achievements, we bury it deep, we feel guilty of it, we feel repulsed by it because we are taught that it is not acceptable. This is done mostly in childhood so many of us are totally unaware of what our darkness holds.
The darkness reappears as we grow older as we try to juggle all the balls of life, we for a time take our eye off what we are doing and then BANG! we bash ourselves and rehash the darkness until it eventually takes us over; telling us how unworthy we are, how insignificant we are, etc. Hans Christian King has a lovely phrase - we run our crazies he says, - we let our ego's dictate to us how we should be feeling and what we should be doing to fit in etc.
The one thing you have forgotten and should remember is the light is in you.
It's always been there, it never goes out. Even in the darkest mind or troubled moments, the darkness can never overwhelm the light because you have a Divine Spark - a God given Spark that he has given you and no on can extinguish that.
Take time to reacquaint yourself with your darkness, don't fear it. Face it - give it a name, acknowledge it is part of you and look at what it has taught you. Even the most horrid of the darkness words holds a miracle - a freedom because when you know it you can forgive it, accept it and move on.
God bless and keep you all
Cora x
thank you for the post, i know my darkness is always there, but your post has helped me see it in a different light. Conor
ReplyDeleteConor, many thanks for your comment. Blessings Cora