We are often told to open our hearts to
love and to show love to others especially those who hurt and upset
us. This allows us to forgive and move on, opening us up to further
love and grace.
Most of the time it is easy to open
your heart and shower those you love and the world in the healing
glow of your love.
On the other hand there are times when
this is the most difficult thing in the world to do. There are days
when our loved ones hurt us, either through actions or words and
these actions gnaw away at our souls. They pierce a thin membrane
and wound us deeply. We are after all human and the fragility of
being human can at times make us paper over aches and wounds so we
can muster the strength to face another day. Therefore it doesn't
take much to peel this fragile layer away and re-expose the wound.
At times like this having strength of
the soul can help you to face this wound, take on its pain and see it
in the light of day. You can examine why this wound hurts and why
are you carrying around this hurt? Every little question you answer
and expose can help you to permanently remove these hurts and wounds
allowing your strength to overcome and fight on.
To love means you have to be strong,
because love has many facets and dimensions, many ways it can be used
against you, many ways to hurt and wound you but its greatest
treasure is that it can be the answer to all your questions and be
the one part of you that you take with you. It never subsides, never
dies and never ever leaves you.
Have the strength to love.
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