Monday, April 15

A Day - Today

On the surface one day can seem quite like any other. Think of the special days in your life; a special birthday, passing an exam, a driving test, a wedding, a birth, a death. We all have such a collection in our pasts. These days stand out as they were a celebration or a milestone. But what about the ordinary day – just like today? Will you remember any part of today when you recount all the occasions and special events in your life – will today rank in there somewhere – probably not! We need the special days to create wonderful, funny and exciting memories but what happens to the memories of the ordinary days?

Every day is special, maybe not memorable but special in its own way. During our ordinary days we experience life, we encounter life's lessons, trials and tribulations These are the days that accumulate and help us to learn and live in this world. They impart to us all the knowledge we need but they are also very special because they hold hidden gems.

Just take a moment now and think what did you do today that was special; perhaps a deep breath of fresh morning air, holding a door for someone, a smile from a stranger, a gesture or thanks from someone who appreciated something you did, maybe for one moment you just took in the beauty of the world around you.

We currently spend our lives in a buzz of activity and although we need to get these things done, we can fast forward through our lives and skip these moments. When we go to bed at night our brains work hard and discard all the unimportant information we have accumulated during the day.

But we can choose to see a gem in ever day, a little something to put a sparkle in our eye; the choice is ours. We can focus on the traffic jam, broken printer or queues but instead take a moment and look around you, be present in your own life and make each and every day a special event. Try it today and see how much lighter you feel.   

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