Saturday, February 2

Angels Everywhere

This last week I spent quite some time chatting with my Sister on Skype.  Nothing fantastic just the usual updates and goings on in the families. To my horror I realised it was almost 3pm and i'd nothing done.  We swiftly said our good byes etcs and I rushed about getting some order on my kitchen.

Suddenly I realised i'd forgotten to go to Costco to do a quick stock up and dashed to the car.
As I ran out the door my daughter informed me to go easy as there was road works and at this 'awful' hour it would be a bit manic. Yes the school rush time is the time to avoid the roads if at all possible.
Without thinking I headed off hoping that all would be OK and announcing to my Angels in the back seat - 'Over to you guys' .

I put the radio on, rubbish nothing great to drive to so I had to make do with my hubby's CD of Garth Brooks - not bad; a few sing along types did me fine.
Got to Costco within 35 minutes - a record but not even noticing the time I dashed out of the car and in to the store. Wow I couldn't believe my luck, instead of being thronged with frazzled mums and snarling kids it was almost empty.  I dashed around got all my stuff and headed to the checkout in record time.

Only 2 checkouts open and one with some very full trollies so I decided to go to the other. As I approached a member of staff finishing at a nearby checkout said 'Allow me to sort your trolly,' naturally I didn't refuse.  And again the other side the same kindly soul filled it again.

I smiled as I left the store only to get a fantastic blast of cold wind and rain in my face. I dashed to the car.  Luckily with the boot raised it blocked the advancing downpour and as I reached for the last few items I pondered if I should return the trolley to the trolley bay or the front of the store.  I hadn't made up my mind on reaching the last item when from no where a young man, said behind me, 'I'll take that back for you, save you getting wet!" "Thank you, you're very kind," I responded but I doubt he heard as he rushed off - i noticed he wasn't even wearing a jacket as I dashed to the driver door and got in.

"Thank you all," I said as I took a quick moment to thank my Angels.
A short while later I retuned safely home and there waiting for me on the door mat was a pristine white feather.

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