We all classify ourselves as not one thing but many; for example we may be a parent, a son/daughter, niece/nephew, aunt/uncle, friend, colleague, neighbour, carer, lover etc.
If you were to take a pen and paper and list all the labels you use to describe yourself now, how long would the list be?
But these words are just external labels if you were to continue and create a new list with labels for what you consider to be the inner true you, how long would this list be?
Now you have at least two lists of words. But they are just words they aren't you, there is more to you than just labels. You could add to your lists daily but they would still not even represent a fraction of who/what you are.
We have been taught to classify and separate ourselves into measurable boxes to fit in with our social idea of where we fit in our lives and the lives of those around us. As a child you were told 'what a beautiful little girl you were' or 'what a cheeky little chap you were' and our parents unwittingly guided us on by using comments like; 'if you work hard and do all your homework you too can be a great .....', 'If you want to be a doctor then you will need to spend your time reading lots of books and studying hard,', 'if you join the local football team you will learn great leadership and sharing skills,', 'If you want to get a good job you will have to give up your creative ideas of studying art/dance etc.' The list is endless but i'm sure you get the idea.
But what truly are we saying to these children?
We're telling them frankly they're not good enough.
They are not perfect.
They require more to fit into our society.
They will need to work harder and accomplish more to be accepted.
Wrong message.
When you look at a little baby just a few days or weeks old you don't use comments like, 'he'll be a great 'whatever' some day if he does his homework.'
No you breath in and absorb their innocence and purity because as you look into those beautiful deep eyes you see the divine in all its greatest majesty looking back at you and looking into your soul. The baby is perfect; sweet, innocent, pure and totally perfect.
So what changes?
It's simple - we do.
We impose our 'learned' beliefs and wants and needs onto the child and in doing so we tell them they are not enough.
But the truth of it all is completely the opposite.
Just like the little baby we don't change. The same divine majesty is still within us, although we have covered it over with lots of 'rubbish' it is there gleaming strong and bright.
We only need to remember and reconnect with it. We don't change we just take on the 'rubbish' of life and pile it on top and thus carry it around with us all our lives, constantly telling ourselves that we are not good enough, not deserving enough, not entitled enough etc.
We are so much more.
More is such a small, tiny fragmented word to explain what 'IT' is, but it is beyond our greatest imagining, more intense than our wildest dreaming and more beautiful and amazing that we can comprehend.
Remove the rubbish you have been carrying around all your life, let it go.
Instead reawaken your Divinity and know that you are more.
You were created perfect and you still are perfect, totally, magically, and divinely just the way you are.
Let Divine joy radiate in your life, spend tomorrow accessing your more.
There is so much to this post, i've already re-read it twice, its fascinating and intresting at the same time. ty cora
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