Wednesday, March 13

Sticks and Stones

Can you remember the childhood rhyme; Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me?
Of course it was generally used as a reply to bullying etc whereby you could be harmed by physical force but not by insults.

But is this really true?
Are we not harmed by words?
Not by the words themselves they are just words, but what about the energy and force behind them?

What would 'I love you.' mean without the love behind it. Nothing!

We absorb and take on the energy of others' words. We must accept responsibility for this, we transform and take this negative energy inside us and add it to our darkness, allowing it to grow and get out of hand – but it returns at times when we least notice it – road rage, shouting at the ones we love etc.

Many use words as weapons but we must be aware of how we take these on, how they make us feel, how our day is affected by it and how they deprive us of the joy and happiness we were feeling just a moment before.

Be careful what you say – your words may wound.


  1. I SO agree. I have always been very cautious of my words, as a member of my family had a very caustic tongue and I recall mentally and emotionally...and very deeply how those bitter words made me feel inside. I am thankful for this experience, though, as it has taught me to use my words in a positive manner.

  2. Thank you Kim, most people experience this at some time in the lives but I think more damage is done when we are children; pure and innocent. This is when we are wounded the deepest. God bless you Cora x
