Wednesday, September 26

Angel Card Readings

Sometimes we need a little direction, some clarity as we get weighted down by all the things happening in our busy lives.  I'm here to offer you a beautiful Angel Card reading where by either Angel Therapy or Archangel Michael card I can offer you assistance in what Message the Angels have for you and direct you back to finding peace and tranquility in your life.  You can also book some time via Skype for a Card Reading also.

You can pay by either a Pay Pal account or Debit/Credit Card.  It couldn't be easier.

Check out my website here.

Sunday, August 5

Divine Light

We are all currently watching the Olympics and not only enjoying the sports we like but also the lesser known sports too.  Having spent a week glued to every event televised I have to say I'm really enjoying London 2012 very much.  The opening ceremony was delightful, fun and full of energy a very well done to Danny Boyle and i'm sure her 'Maj' will be honouring him in her own way later on - although I do have to say her role as a Bond Girl was very well done too. Congrats!

The one thing I have noticed about these Olympics is the Sprit that is almost tangible throughout every single event.  The Energy in London is very positive and Team GB are very tuned in to it.  There is a wonderful sense of pride and love emanating from all the competitors from every country and many people have commented on the positive nature and high buzz that is all around.

The Angels are working very hard to bring about this high infused energy and I can feel it even watching on television.  The Olympics have been wonderfully organised and top marks to all those who have been working behind the scenes at every venue to bring this about.  These people are listing to their intuition and Angels' guidance and this is evident in what is taking place.

Congratulations to all those who have won medals and best of luck to every nation competing.  London 2012 will be a very special event for many not just the competitors, staff and everyone in London and event venues but to all those who are tuning in and absorbing the energy and love that is being sent world wide.

Monday, July 23

Thought for Today !

Sometimes you need to listen and not give advice.  

Many people ask me questions about all kinds of things and some seek advice and guidance but today i'd like to ask you all to remember to listen.  When your friend wants to ask your advice about something are they just wanting you to agree with their decided opinion?  Is your work colleague relating an experience or asking for advice on how they should have handled it?  

We can sometimes get too drawn into the situation of offering our advice when it isn't needed.  Be there for all who need you but engage in the conversation by listening to their real needs.  

Are you practising listening ?

Steps to help :
  • Focus on what the individual is saying, give them your full attention.
  • Listen to and identify the words they are using.
  • Do they pause for you to answer?

If they are just getting something off their chest, the steps below may help you.
  • Give positive feedback and steer them away from negative words/phrases.
  • Help them see your side/other side of the conversation.
  • Ask them clarifying questions.
  • Be helpful and positive in your guidance.  

Saturday, July 14


When I was at school we were taught many poems.  However, one in particular seems to have remained in my mind and comes back to me from time to time.  I can remember when I first read it, even then it resonated with me.  I'd like to share that poem with you.

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Robert Frost

Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village, though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep. 

Is there a special poem you would like to share with us, please leave a comment below.  Thank you, Cora xx

Saturday, June 30

Don't Back Down ?

Today's message from the Angels is 'Don't back down'.   But what exactly does that mean ?

The angels don't imagine you'll be in an argument and to stand your ground no matter what.  Their advice is more gentle and encouraging.

  • Not backing down means not to give up on your goals, ambitions and dreams.  
  • Not to go the wrong road when you know it isn't right.  
  • Not allowing others to change your mind from what you inwardly know is correct.

The angels know that you have the ability and integrity to know the difference between right and wrong and they are encouraging us, not just today, to believe in ourselves and do what is right regardless of what others expect, think or want.  If you find you are persuaded from doing your own thing or making choices that benefit you then today the angels want you to ask them for help.  They will help give you the strength not to back down or give in to other's persuasion or bullying.

6 Simple Steps to Help You

  1. In a quiet place by yourself clear your mind and ask the angels to give you courage and strength today whenever you need it.  (The angels cannot assist without your permission.)
  2. When you find yourself in a challenging situation, in your mind ask the angels to help you, (Angels please help me now.)
  3. Before replying or making a decision take a deep breath and listen to your body.  What is it telling you?  Is there a tightening in your stomach?  Are  your ears buzzing ?  Is the situation making you feel ill ?  All these signs indicate that your body is telling you something is wrong - these are signs from your angels.
  4. Leave the situation if you don't feel well enough to deal with it at that moment.  Get some fresh air and know that you are not alone. 
  5. When you return to the situation you will be stronger in body, mind and spirit.  
  6. Don't forget to thank your angels. 

Wednesday, June 27

Word Power

Word power - the ability words have !

We live in a world where we are inundated with words; news programmes, internet, Twitter, Facebook, newspapers, magazines, books, ebooks, etc.

Have we forgotten the power words have ?
Not so long ago many would only have access to a weekly newspaper which would update them on world and current events or the little radio in the corner of the room brought the world into the home.
We have in some way forgotten the power of words.  In History the words of a great orator would whip a crowd up into a frenzy or impart a belief or ethos.  Words were a powerful tool to gain followers or convey beliefs.

Have you given any thought to the words you use?
Your words hold great power to hurt or heal.  Your choice of words is very important, each word when used with a particular tone can create an energy of its own.  Be careful of what you say and how you say it.

I would love to hear your comments on how words have helped your life.

Cora xx

27 June 2012 – Yemanya – Golden Opportunity

The angels ask that you have courage now, you have been working hard to achieve success and it is within your grasp now. We have been asked to work hard, don't give up and you will see the results soon. Well now is the time.

Take the opportunities as they arise, after all you have worked very hard for this. Divine timing is very different to time on earth and you must have great patience to unlock and benefit from it. 
Enjoy your golden opportunity today. 

Tuesday, June 26

26 June 2012 – Shield Yourself

Many people believe in shielding themselves from negative people and situations. 

I believe that if you constantly live in love and light, the angels know that nothing can impact upon you, harm you or distress you. Only humans can effect you with their hurtful words and deeds. 

Many shield themselves with visions of glowing orbs and energies and ask for protection from negative situations and people. When working  spiritually  I don't believe that we can be impacted upon in this manner.  If we are working from a centre of love and light then we are automatically shielded as we only see. hear and know good.  We are not effected by the negative. 

 People who say they take up other's energies need to work on this issue, and learn not to do this. The Angels will help you in shielding yourself and if you are in love and light then you will be protected always. You need to re-learn to look positively on situations and people and not judge. 

Monday, June 25

25 June 2012 – Release

Let it go. 

What are you dragging around with you? 
Sometimes we carry many thoughts, emotions, regrets and negativity from the past around with us, sometimes it's just from last week. 

Holding on to memories is wonderful, it helps us to remember good things about our past and even people who have now passed. Holding on to bad things/events in our past can be a good thing too in some ways as it can prove and remind us of how strong we are. 

It's the perception of the memory or event that makes it positive or negative. 
Getting rid of all bad things can work against you so even those times of struggle that you overcame, or times of hardship that have made you stronger are worth holding on to. 

Release all these to the angels and they will help you to hold the positive and remember them in the right way. Let go of what you don't need, it is of no help to you today.  

Sunday, June 24

24 June 2012 – You Are A Powerful Lightworker

In Spiritual circles there are a lot of 'names' given to people who work in the light; lightworker, healer, whisperer, intuitive, indigo, crystal, etc. The list is quite extensive. Many people are genuine and offer true gifts from the Angels and spirit realms. 

But don't let these words make you think the people have more gifts or talents than you. You are just as powerful or intuitive as they are. You many not have accessed your 
abilities yet, but believe me and the Angels you certainly have them. 

We are all on different paths in life, and as the Angel's message today says -  you are a powerful lightworker. Believe in yourself is the message today. Don't let others tell you they know or have secrets that you must pay highly for. Some people use terms in advertising their abilities which make you believe they have unlocked secrets that you will need to progress further or need to communicate with the Angels etc. Genuine people will help you to attune to your abilities and give you gentle guidance and help. 

Everyone expects to be paid for their time but your time is as valuable as theirs and everyone has to live. So the angels ask that you believe in yourself today. You are beautiful just the way you are.


Saturday, June 23

Inner Joy

Some people search their whole lives for happiness.  They move from relationship to relationship, never feeling truly fulfilled or loved.  They will put it down to having had a hard childhood, or being unloved as a child, a difficult adolescence, or choosing the wrong partners.  There are many such stories and i'm sure you're all very familiar with them either through friends, family or the good old information box ; the television.

However, we all actually have exactly what we need to make us happy.
Have you stopped recently and observed your life, your family, your home, your pets, your children, your world ?

To find joy in a fleeting moment is an awesome experience.
You can find your awesome moment, but to do so you first have to stop and look around ---
What will you see ?
What will you find ?
What will you experience ?
Will you find your inner joy ?

I would love to hear your stories on finding the Joy in your life.
Click on 'comment' below to leave your message.  Remember your words may help others to appreciate and understand similar events in their lives.  Blessings Cora xx

23 June 2012 – Be Willing To Forgive

Sometimes it's easy to say sorry; if you bump into someone on the street or you need to lean over 
someone in the supermarket to reach an item on a shelf or freezer.

The Angel's message today is to be willing to forgive. If we get into the habit of forgiving others even when what they do upsets or angers us this will help us not to carry it around all day and in the process erode our confidence and positivity. 

 Don't let that driver who cuts you up on the way to work or the boss who is angry or whoever spoil your day. Lay the issue with them – after all they're the one who created the issue, and hand over your anger to the angels to transmute it for the good of all.  

Friday, June 22

22 June 2012 – Solar Plexus Chakra

The angels continue with their message of Chakra cleansing and balancing this week with today's card.

 The Solar Plexus is a very important chakra; we all use our 'gut instinct' from time to time even if you don't know anything about chakras. The angels want you to focus on removing all negativity today and allowing the light in around you. 

 Ask your angels to stand into your aura and help you to be more positive and radiate love and light to all.


Wednesday, June 20

Driver or Passenger ?

Are you engaging with your life or just a passenger ?

Many people say 'I wish I had money, health, friends,' etc 'then I would be happy'.  Other say 'If I complete this course or this training then I will know all there is to know about a particular subject.  If I can achieve this goal or overcome some difficulty then I will be in control of my life.' 

They go through each day of their lives wishing and wanting.  Not looking at their life in the present, 'now' and realising the wonders, gifts and joys they have already.  They strive forward in a searching way always looking for someone else to tell them how they should feel, react, engage, etc.  In his constant search they encounter many other's perspectives and opinions and yet none resonate with them.  

Today the Angel's message is to just take a moment, look at what you already have.  
Question what is driving you forward ?  Ask what is pushing you on, what are you searching for?  When you honestly answer these questions for yourself, you will realise you have become a passenger in your own life and it is passing you by.  

Engage with your life, it is yours, no one else's - you control all it is, and all it will be, you direct it forward.  Do so positively and in the right way for you.  You don't need to constantly seek and search because you will find the answers are within you.  

Have you found the answers you are searching for?  Let us know by leaving a comment below.  Blessings Cora xx

Monday, June 11

Self Respect

We hear a lot in spiritual circles / events about loving yourself and sending love to others especially those who are negative or offend/hurt us.  Most people find this difficult to understand let alone to do.  

So let's simplify it - whatever you wish to achieve be it spiritual or for yourself then the very first step you have to start with is yourself.  

It all stems from you, your belief, your confidence, your faith, your abilities, your loves, your opinions etc. 

If you can take yourself and apply the idea / principle of self respect, and put that into action - you will find it works and in working you can apply it further; to your life, your work / career, your friends etc.  The only thing that stops you or causes concerns / difficulties is FEAR.  Fear of the unknown, fear of failing, fear of what people will think or say and so on.  So again you return to you and your ideas, opinions, feelings, etc.

If you cannot love yourself 100%, be honest with yourself 100%, question yourself, trust yourself, be confident in yourself then you will have difficulties in moving these concepts to others.  You must love yourself 100% not 90% not 99% if you don't then you have to ask yourself why can't you love yourself 100% - what's stopping you?  I mostly love myself, but I don't deserve to be loved 100% do I?  Why don't you deserve to be loved 100% ?
There it is again FEAR.  
It's the biggest hurdle you have to overcome in most areas of your life.  

In beginning with yourself you can be honest, brave and unashamed of your emotions, feelings and loves.  You can apply pure honesty to yourself and how you see and understand yourself.  

We are not taught real Self Respect in school or even at home, it's something we pick up along the way, although some are born with it - an inner knowing that something is wrong, someone is lying to them or deceiving them.  We are taught to have manners, not answer back and the social graces although many of the youth today seem to be lacking these. 

Today the angels ask that you believe in yourself, have self respect for yourself.  Start with You, ask the angels to help you recognise the signs / signals that will empower you to connect with yourself.  

In connecting with your inner self you will find connecting to you higher self easier.

I'd love to hear about your progress - you can leave comments anonymously below.  

Cora x

Thursday, June 7

To Quote or not to Quote ?

I'm very puzzled.  
Recently there has been a huge upsurge in 'quoting' on the internet; Twitter is awash with it, Facebook not far behind and well it's actually everywhere.  

You know I don't really mind 'quotes'; there's always one out there to describe your mood, topic, idea etc.  That's all well and good but there are people on Twitter I've noticed and all they do all day long is post 'quotes'.  Not their own 'quotes' but other people's 'quotes'.  Why? 
I cannot understand the reasoning behind it.  Many of these people indicate that they are spiritual/inspirational people that have something to say - something others will find interesting and of value and then they post 'quotes' - no, I don't get it.  

Now I know i've posted 'quotes' myself on Facebook and Twitter but not as a constant stream.  I've used quotes to aid my point, to illustrate a meaning or understanding.  I've posted 'quotes' of famous people because the 'quote' resonates with me and how I'm feeling at that particular time.  There is a place for 'quotes' and I love them too.  But why base your Social Media sites on 'Quotes', especially when you're indicating you're sites are about something else.  So confused ....

I've been guided by my Angels to create my own 'Quotes'.  These use an image and the image always carries Angelic Gifts on it - so you can be reassured it's not been copied from another site or person - but directly from my Angels.  I love creating these 'quotes'/posters as they fill me with the energy related to the message.  I hope you like them too.  You will find some examples of my 'Quotes' here on Cora's Cloud.  

If you agree/disagree with my comments and like my Quotes, let me know by leaving a comment below.  Look forward to hearing from you.  

Thanks Cora xx

Thursday, May 31

Be Kind To Yourself

Image - © Angelic Gifts 2010

As I'm sure you are all aware I live in the UK.  The weekend ahead is the Jubilee Weekend here and we have the following Monday and Tuesday off work; so a long relaxing weekend for all. 

Today I just want to spend a few minutes on the subject of kindness.  We can all be kind to others from time to time, but when was the last time you were kind to yourself?  
When did you last really appreciate something you did for yourself?  

I have been made aware of this fact recently and as a Lightworker I know it is easier for me to give to others, to the point of draining myself.  Seldom do I actually take time for myself to be kind to myself to pamper or do something relaxing and rewarding for myself. 

In light of my recent realisation I knew I had to share this point with you all. 
With the delightful very long weekend ahead it is possibly a good time to take 30 mins for yourself.  Go somewhere quiet and relax just lie out in the sun undisturbed and soak up all the natural energy.  Go for a walk or sit by a stream, lake or if you are lucky enough by the sea. Choose to spend your precious time somewhere unplugged, away from TV's, computers, gadgets etc. Put the book down - stop what you're doing and take these few minutes to just quieten your mind, focus on your breathing and let go.  

Let it all go and unwind yourself back to the real you.  Learn and practice being kind to yourself; after all you're the one who will really benefit.  

I will be delighted to hear your plans for the Jubilee weekend and how you have been kind to yourself.  Please share your stories/comments below - click on 'comment' and leave me a message.  Many thanks.

Wishing you all a super weekend, blessings Cora x

Monday, May 28

Just Be

We are all going along living our lives, day after day.  Our priorities change as we get older and our interests and hobbies evolve.  No matter who you are, where you live or what you do you have at least one angel with you every second of your life.  Some are aware of their angels others are not.  

I'm not here to tell everyone they must be communicating with their angels daily.  This is their own choice.  We all have free will and we can use it anyway we choose.  

We are all at different points in our Spiritual Journey and for some this will mean needing to find out more about their Soul, Soul Journey, Spiritual Journey, Inner Self, Inner beliefs etc.  The angels have guided me all my life and shown me a different way to others.  They guided me to set up this 'blog', my website and other pages on social network sites.  This in turn has help others to find a focal point for their journey and clarity on different points and issues.  The best advice I can give anyone who is searching is to learn to 'just be'.  

To 'Just Be', is difficult, but with practice, meditation as well as listening to your guidance and knowing you too can 'Just Be'.  To be present in the moment, to experience every moment for its clarity, beauty and existence is amazing and when you achieve it you too will understand what it fully means.  

Please share your moments of clarity, inspiration or beauty with us all, they help us all on our journey too.

Blessings Cora x

Monday, May 21

Turn your Intuition on !

We all have intuition ? - 

Definition: direct perception of truth, fact, etc., (From

We all tune into our own Intuition/inner compass - this allows us to determine if something is Right or Wrong. We all experience it in the:
Will I? /won't I ?
Should I ?/Shouldn't I ?
Maybe ?/Maybe not ?etc,
scenarios  in our lives.

Do you use your Intuition daily?

Most people actually do, it's an automatic ability we all have but if we are conscious of interacting with is more possibly the correct question. 
Tuning in is very easy - for some it a feeling of tightness in the Solar Plexus area (stomach area), for others its a feeling of dread or excitement etc.  Some people may call it Intuition, inner compass, inner knowing, divine direction etc. 

I use this to help me interact with my Angels.  They can use their energies to activate this area and allow me to know immediately if something is Right or Wrong, or to direct me in a certain direction.  

The Key is for you to understand, access and use your intuition.  Like anything if you don't use it and interact with it, you lose the ability.  If you are regaining this ability it may take a little while to get it, but don't give up it is so worth it.  

Your intuition is the best measure you have to assess situations, people, places etc.  
So use yours today and feel its benefits for yourself.  
Let me know how your intuition guides and directs you ?  Just click on comment below.  Cora xx

Sunday, May 13

Cloud Watching

It's Sunday afternoon, here I sit cup of tea in  hand watching the sky as the fluffy white clouds roll past.  The peace and serenity of a Sunday afternoon can not be gained from any other day of the week.  So I absorb the quiet stillness and listen to the backdrop of sounds from the local community; dog barking, birds cheeping, children playing and in the distance a car radio blaring.  It's life and i'm thankful for every second of it.  

But back to my clouds.  They appear so perfect; formed and shaped by the atmosphere in which they glide effortlessly.  A memory pops in to my mind of sunny afternoons as a child playing in the large green fields of the countryside.  Exhausted we'd lie on the grass and look skyward,  peering at the clouds to distinguish shapes, faces, animals etc.  The joy of those days, the innocence and laughter a fond memory today but yet it has made me smile - a good feeling unfolds within me filling me all those feelings again.  

So even if it's just a quiet moment while you enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, take a moment to look around you, what reminds you of the happy innocent unspoiled days of childhood ?

Blast from my childhood days ... Enjoy xxx

Share your memories below, I'd love to hear your stories. x

Friday, May 11

Post a Comment

Dear Readers,

Please feel free to leave a comment on any of my posts here on Cora's Cloud.  Your responses are valued and inspirational as it allows me to understand your views and thoughts.

At the bottom of each post you will a similar layout :

To leave a comment click on the Comment Link - situated across from:
   Posted by Angelic-Gifts at (time) ....

You also have the ability to tick one of the Reaction boxes too.

If you wish to share the blog eg to Facebook/Twitter etc, click the Icons directly after the post.

Thanks again for your support.  Blessings Cora xx

Transform Yourself

We all remember running around trying to catch butterflies when we were young.  The excitement of chasing about after the colourful creatures filled us with excitement and wonder.  

We read many quotes about transforming ourselves and the butterfly is mainly used as an example.  It is after all something we can all associate it and recognise.  Butterflies are magical creatures and I still love to watch them floating around on a summer's day.  

Back to transforming ourselves.  Our own transformation doesn't need to be as dramatic as the humble butterfly.  Instead we are usually being asked to re-look at our lives and see what needs changing or removing.  Many of us have talents and hobbies that we dropped as our lives became busier with work and families.  Many of us need to slow down, stop and take a deep breath or find time to meditate or walk in nature to recharge our batteries.  Sometimes it refers to visiting old memories some of them difficult and not seeing them from the memory's point of view but from now and assessing what you now have learned from it.  

When we have completed this introspective de-cluttering we then begin a new cycle in our lives, filled with renewed enthusiasm for life and living it to the full.  Transformation doesn't always mean to look at every single instance now and evaluate it anew.  But if something is prevalent in your thoughts then this is the point that need your attention.  

Don't be put off moving forward/transformation as it is a natural process and when you have don't this a few times it becomes easier to accomplish leaving you refreshed and re-energised.

So transform your life - be like the butterfly, shed what you don't need and fly high into the bright clear sky with fresh energy.  

Have you transformed yourself?  Got a comment or question, post below, thank you xx

Sunday, May 6

Tied by the Hands of Time

The alarm woke me - it was 4.00 am Sunday 5th May 2012.

Jumping out of bed I ran to the window excited to see the super moon in the night sky.  Due to a heavy blanket of cloud all day before and earlier that night I couldn't see it, just a warm glow through thin cloud from time to time.  
There it was sitting low in the sky, looking magnificent in its orange glow.  As expected it was indeed larger than a normal moon and its glow more radiant.  
More on Super Moon perigee here.

While I stood captivated by the moon, a thought crossed my mind, what is time?  I'd set an alarm to wake me at a certain time.  Returning to bed the thought continued to grow.  

What is time?
Where did the concept of time originate?
Why do we need it?
How do we use it?
What if time didn't exist?

What is time?
A good question because we cannot touch, smell, taste, look at, or physically interact with time.  
So time is a concept?  Did man watch nature and on seeing the patterns in its yearly turning extrapolate the concept of time from that, who was the first human to conceive time?
We may possibly never really know but clocks as we understand them came after many instruments were invented to calculate time, first the sundial was used in ancient times then water, wind and other ideas until we reach today's idea of a clock.  
More on history of time here.

How do we use time?
Many of us live our every day by the clock, we get up at the same time, start work at a particular time, drop the children for the school day at the same time each day, and on and on we go.  We have become dependant on time to measure out and organise out day. 

Time is a wonderful idea which has allowed us to organise ourselves, apportion our day in a wise way, allowed us to travel great distances including into space and helped us to understand the world we live in and mother nature and her cycles too.  

No time !
I cannot conceive a world without time, it would seem impossible, how long would a day be, or a night, what would a week consist of ?  However time is only used here on earth. In spirit or heaven or whatever name you wish to call it there isn't time, not in the linear way we understand it.  But I expect when I get there it will all seem normal and understandable just like time does here and now.  

So when I'm at home and I don't need to be anywhere or doing anything special, I remove my watch because by wearing a watch I tie myself into the cycle of time.  Instead when I remove it, I release myself from it and enjoy the here and now.  So maybe removing your watch and leaving your mobile in your handbag or another room, allows you to unwind yourself from the hands of time for one afternoon a week or for whatever length of time you choose.  :)

I'd love to hear your comments on time and how it supports your day.  Cora x 

Saturday, May 5


Smile though your heart is aching
Smile, even though it's breaking
When there are clouds, in the sky, you'll get by
If you smile, through your fear and sorrow
Smile, and there'll be tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through
If you'll....
Sung by Judy Garland.

For the past few days this song has been going around in my head.  Its a lovely reminder to Smile at someone today.  

Wikipedia's explanation of a Smile - A smile is a facial expression formed by flexing the muscles near both ends of the mouth.

So why do we smile ?
  • We smile at funny things.
  • We smile at babies and children.
  • We smile when we recognise someone we know.
  • We smile at the love in our life.
  • We smile when we are happy.
  • Sometimes we smile for no apparent reason.
What happens when we smile ?
  • Smiling relaxes us and people we meet.
  • Smiling helps to boost the immune system.
  • Smiling releases endorphines in the brain, helping us feel good.
  • Smiling helps to lower blood pressure. 
  • Smiling helps to relive stress.
So the evidence shows that smiling is good for us.  Ask your angels to remind you to smile, use this beautiful Gift we have all received from God. 

Let's keep doing it, smile at someone today - they may smile back. 

Friday, May 4

I Wish !

'Don't wish your life away."  
I remember someone saying this to me when I was a child moaning on about long school days.  

Do we use the 'I Wish' phrase too much or not enough? 

I can only speak about what I experience and in my opinion its over used to the extent of being maxed out.  

One example is when we add it ourselves after receiving a compliment or thanks.  We turn a positive comment/compliment into a negative by adding 'I wish' or its partner 'If only'.  We should not do this because it belittles our talents and also those of the person who have offered us the comment/compliment.  
So don't add 'I wish' or 'if only', when someone says something nice about what you've done or achieved.  Thank them graciously and accept it in the spirit it was given.  

Another example is where we actively 'wish' away for something.  We dream of a fruitful reward to our wishing like winning the lottery, or meeting a tall dark stranger, having a luxurious holiday etc.  These may seem like nothing more than fantasies and dreams.  

I'm not saying we should stop dreaming, if mankind never dreamed we would not have achieved many of the great things we now take for granted today.  We dare to dream and it propels us forward, we turn our dreams into a reality.  

But many people can get stuck in the 'I wish' phase.  They never get off the ground and begin to turn their dreams into a reality.  Instead they sit and wait for another to come and show, tell or instruct them on how to move forward.  While all the time they have the answers and ability but no drive to do it.  

When my Grandparents were born (1890-1907) it was a far different world.  I never recall hearing them using the phrase 'I wish'.  They had a more down to earth attitude.  They grew up with an expectation that if they needed food they had to provide it, so hard work was the norm.  There didn't have the range of shops, choices and luxuries we have today.  They had what they had because they worked hard for it.  They knew the difference between right and wrong and lived their lives by what we today would possibly call a simple code.  

So where did the 'I wish' come from and why is it so prevalent in our society?  The evidence is all around us.  Pick up any tabloid newspaper, there are the wannabe's trying to sell some crass story to further themselves or some 'z list celebrity' trying to flog a book they haven't even written.  We have teenagers appearing on saturday night shows trying to grasp that golden key to stardom, all wishing hard to live the dream.  

But why?  Is normal life so dull and uninteresting.  No, because they have been sold a dream - a dream where if they wish hard enough (no other effort required) they'll get it.  Education is not a requirement, but fake looks and bodies is all that is needed with a willingness to be told what to do and when.  

We have allowed ourselves to be blinded so that we all want the 'I wish' to come true.  Check sales of lottery tickets for proof of this.  We have allowed our governments to lead us by the nose, TV channels and bosses to tell us what we should be watching and allowed ourselves to sit by and watch it all happen.  

Many countries now find themselves in recession due to the financial crisis and its aftermath. But what are people doing about it?  Nothing!  Youths who have never had a job still hang around waiting for their 'big moment' expecting someone to hand it to them.  We have whole areas in cities where the unemployment is almost 100% and what are people doing - nothing.  

Now is the time to get up and going.  Get your life back.  Stop wishing for someone to tell you if you're going to get a new job, change your career, find a husband, have children, visit another country etc.  
Take responsibility for your own life.  What are you doing to answer these questions for yourself?  Go plant some vegetables, meet your neighbours set up a bartering group, volunteer to gain skills, there are plenty of opportunities out there see them for yourself.   

You have chosen to live here and now.  Stop believing the rubbish you see on TV, and read in the papers.  Live your life your way by following your own integrity and you will see the rewards.